Part 26: Update XXIV

♪ BGM: Wonderful Dead 002 ♫
Alright, so now it's time to head to Towa Tower.

However, as we approach the tower, Komaru notices these two little mascot character signs standing there.

She goes in to take a closer look, and...

...there's a picture of Jataro?

A picture that blinks!

Suddenly, Monokumas!

And then, a Monokuma attack!

So now we get to fight a whole bunch of Monokumas.

The enemies we have to deal with are largely normal Monokumas, with some Bombers and a Siren thrown in. Not sure what the object of the Siren is - I guess it could be used to get all the Monokumas together by using Dance and then blow them all up by killing the Bomber, but then that would mean I couldn't get a bunch of Monocoins by racking up Nice Shots, so that's what I do instead.

There's three waves in total, each with more Monokumas than the last. They don't add any enemy types, so no Guards or Junk Monokumas to worry about this time. Also, Toko would be the character to use the word "gestalt".

♪ BGM: We Can't Change The World ♫
Eventually, we get rid of all of them.

♪ BGM: Wonderful Dead 002 ♫
You know, now that I'm done with this fight, I only now noticed that there were several electric cars around here that we could have used to kill some of those Monokumas. Man, I'm just consistently ignoring the game's gimmicks in favor of running around and sniping Monokumas in their eye with Break shots.

Now, let's check out this tower.

♪ BGM: We Can't Change The World ♫

Well, let's go check out that elevator then.

So, Towa Tower.

It's a place with giant Monokuma statues!

Also, a much more pleasant diorama than the one we've seen before. Also, there's a collectible over there!

Alright, we'll be sure to do some sightseeing while we're here. There are some neat things to look at in Towa Tower, as you might already be able to tell based on giant fish-holding Monokuma statues.

We also find another collectible over on the other side of the floor.

Hrm. Makes you think.

Also on this floor: A skill shop (with nothing new in stock) and kids hip thrusting at corpses.

Also, another collectible!

I guess it's hard to not think about work when your employer basically owns the entire city.

Now it's time to head to the next floor.

But suddenly, Monokuma thing rolling down the stairs!

It rolls down to Komaru and Toko, then suddenly starts growing limbs.

♪ BGM: Absolute Despair Girl ♫
So, Ball Monokumas. These guys mainly spit stuff in your general direction until you shoot them.

After you shoot them, they roll to a different location, then continue spitting at you.

Spitting at you with cup noodles. Anyway, three shots to the eye and it goes down. We head up the stairs, but...

♪ BGM: DSO_Beautiful Dead ♫

♪ BGM: Welcome To Towa Tower ♫
So now we're on the second floor. The barrier we just saw is blocking us from going to the third floor. Anyway, this is more of the cool aesthetics I really like in this game. I mean, the ceiling is a fish tank!


Next, another collectible!

Well, doesn't look like things are going well for our Towa Tower employee.

Our next stop is this "trick room".

It has this setup with a wall where you see one image if you look at it from one side...

...and another one if you look at it from another side.

There's also this Escher-as-fuck room with a bunch of stairs that hurts to think about. There's a collectible though!

Despair socks. Now I've seen everything.

Our path next leads us another Monoku-Man room.

♪ Jingle: Monoku-Man Activate ♫

This is a fairly simple one, though we'll only be introduced to the thing that makes it simple after entering the room, so let's do that.

So let me tell you a little more about Knockback. Knockback is also effective against the Ball Monokumas that appeared earlier. Ball Monokumas that're knocked back roll, and they keep rollin' until they go boom! Also! Rolling Ball Monokumas can wipe out all enemies in their path! However, life is not that easy. While the Ball Monokumas have their limbs out, Knockback won't work. Doesn't that suck? In those circumstances, I'd use Dance. If you shoot Knockback while it's dancing, they'll get blown back for sure! Try it out!

An additional complication in this puzzle is that you need to pay attention to where the Bombers are looking, since the whole thing goes to hell if they spot you.

When we get to the Ball Monokuma, we blast it with Knockback...

...and it plows through all the others.

♪ Jingle: Monoku-Man Success ♫
Now that we've cleared that, let's take a look at what Towa sells in this shop.

Uh, Monokuma.... books? Monokuma something.

Also, paint cans. I guess they were still refurbishing this and then the whole mass murder via robot bears fucked that up.

Also, Monokuma pictures and Monokuma... candle holders, I guess.

Next, Monokuma mannequins.

And sparkles!

♪ Jingle: Hidden Kids Discovered! ♫
And again I fucked up somewhere - I'm missing Nagisa as well. Oh well, three out of five ain't bad.

In the next room, we're accosted by a Bomber that is blocked by Guards.

However, it's not much of a problem.

In this room, we also find a collectible!

More backstory about Towa.

This place also has a display of sumo Monokumas (hopefully not a new enemy type)...

...and astronauts.

Moving on through the back leads us to this area, which has some presents for us!


Taking the green present just leads to more Monokumas.

♪ Jingle: Skill GET! ♫
But the red presents have some Monocoins and a new skill!

And it's another skill relating to that thing I haven't shown yet. Awesome.

In the next area, we have another UFO telling us to go one way, so we go the other way. Let's check out the staff rooms to the left.

We have a collectible!

This one is Sayaka's motive hostage.

Also, we get a corpse lineup with Monokuma kids jumping around in front of it.

The other room has Monokuma kids running around a corpse pile...

...and a collectible!

♪ BGM: DSO_Beautiful Dead ♫

Komaru leads an interesting life.

♪ BGM: Welcome To Towa Tower ♫
Next, we get to walk over this narrow path while being accosted by two Guards and a Bomber, which isn't too much of a problem after some Knockback.

This Monokuma that sneaks up behind you will very probably get a shot in on anybody playing this game, though.

More collectibles!

Looks like a pretty simple ruleset.

Moving on, we are accosted by a Monokuma kid.

♪ BGM: Riddle Land ♫
A challenge!

The Monokuma kid then bails...

...and locks the door!

And the one behind us is locked too!

So there's a ton of sparkly things around here, and we need to find the right one. Toko suggests some Detect, so let's use that.

And with it, we find this on the wall. The key is through three lifesavers.

Well, it just so happens that we can line something up so that we look through three lifesavers, and it just so happens to point at one shiny thing.

So we grab it...

...and it works! Sadly, there are no kids nearby, so Komaru can't rub it in now.

We do however get a new collectible.

♪ BGM: Welcome To Towa Tower ♫

Anyway, next time, we'll keep heading up to the stairs, and meet a new friend.